Introduction Post

 Hello all! My name is Fred Koski. I live in Soldotna on the Kenai Peninsula and have lived here since 2003. Like many Alaskans, I enjoy the outdoors and love to hike, camp, and go backpacking. I am a non-traditional student and returned to school last year after a very long break. I am majoring in Social Work with a minor in Justice. I currently work as a substance use counselor in the State Prison in Kenai and find the work challenging and rewarding. 

The artwork that I have posted here is a painting by Mark Rothko titled "#10".  I had the opportunity to see this painting in person 2 years ago at the Seattle Art Museum. I like abstract expressionism and Rothko is one of my favorite artists. I love the way that he strips paintings down to the relationship between color and light. I enjoy art but have zero talent in the creation of art. My partner is a gifted painter and illustrator and I an envious of her abilities. I do enjoy going to museums and attending local art events. Unfortunately, the community I live in doesn't really have much in the way of things like First Fridays, etc.


  1. Hello,

    Thank you for sharing this beautiful piece. I hope you find that you learn and enjoy this art course. Maybe it will even inspire you to paint with you partner. I am sure they would love it.

  2. I never understood Rothko's works until I saw one in person. The beauty doesn't translate well in photographs. Welcome to the class, Fred.

    1. I totally agree. I love the way that the shapes seem to almost float when you see them in person. I have seen many of his works at MoMA, but I hope to one day travel to Houston to visit the Rothko Chapel.

  3. Fred, I haven't seen much of Rothko's work before but I like it. I would someday like to see some in person!

  4. I gotta say, social work and justice seem like two pretty taxing career paths. Nice to meet you.

  5. Nice to meet you!
    I respect your goals in work as well as being a substance use counselor. I have never struggled with any kinds of addiction, however my mother has, so I realize the importance of your line of work. I am also a non-traditional student. I am almost 26 years old, and only at sophomore standing in school. I want to be an art teacher, however I want to take a look into art therapy, which I have heard a lot about and how helpful it can be.

  6. Hello Fred, this is my first exposure to Rothko's work, it is unique. Thank you for your post.

  7. I am also from the Kenai Peninsula. One of the most beautiful places on Earth.

  8. Hi Fred, I am also a nontraditional student finally returning back from a year and a half break. Enjoyed your picture choice.


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